Friday 29 November 2013


Hey guys,

I know I've said this before, but today was without a doubt the longest day of my life so far.
I was in a club meeting but I was in a rush to get home from school, so I grabbed (what I thought was my bag) and left. It took the bus ten minutes to arrive, then it took half an hour to take me home. On the bus, two stops away from my stop, I realize that I grabbed friends' bag.
When I got home, my mum sent me straight back out the door because school had contacted her to tell her that I had the wrong bag and the girl had left her bus pass in it. Who does that? Who leaves their pass in their bag? I don't.

Anywhoo, so I wait another ten minutes to catch the bus and ride it all the way back to school (twenty minutes) but this time, I had to get there before the school closed- S.T.R.E.S.S.
I literally ran to school in two minutes- that is really fast considering that it usually takes almost ten. When I get there, my friend is so relieved but angry so she lectures and yells at me for a while.

So back to the bus stop I go, but this time i'm with someone. The bus was taking more than ten minutes to come, so we walked a forty minute walk home. And the worst thing wasn't that it was FREAZING cold, or that I had no coat or gloves or even that it was really dark outside, the worst part was that throughout our walk, not one buss passed us. What's going on?! Today is F.R.I.D.A.Y!

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

“Since I can't turn into a bat and fly, I'll still need my bus pass” 
― Daven Anderson

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