Thursday 7 November 2013


Hey guys,

So... A few weeks ago, my geography teacher taught a lesson about Super-volcanoes. She asked if we had any questions and someone (I don't remember who, sorry) asked her what would happen if all the Super-volcanoes around the world were to simultaneously 'wake up' and erupt. Basically, she replied that 1st) It was VERY unlikely and 2nd) everything in the world would be wiped out. I'm talking TOTAL WORLD ANNIHILATION. Nothing left.

I have NO idea what I would do, if that was ever to happen. There is literally no  safe haven where you can hide out. Do you think going underground would make a difference? And what about the astronauts? They would probably survive if they were already out in space..right?

Anywhoo, I'm just going to wrap things up here.
I hope that didn't freak anyone out- wait why I always forget who my audience is? You guys probably are older than I am- of course you don't find this info scary.

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.” 
― Robert Frost

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