Monday 13 January 2014

Force fed a big dose of reality

Hey guys,

People used to ask me "why are you so awkward?"but I just used to think to myself, why would I want to surround myself myself with ignoramuses? I'm just kidding. But seriously, get over it. When there is nothing to say, there is nothing to say. You can't force a conversation because when you do, the silence becomes even more awkward.But hey, now I've used one of the words from my daily word list. Cool right? I'm trying to learn as many different ways to say idiot as possible. Trust me, I need it.

Today I had to write a letter to my teacher in french, it was really easy thanks to my best friend google. I'm joking. Google helped me, but so did my french dictionary and my french book.
Oh, and is it just me, or does going to school sometimes feel like you are being force fed a big dose of reality?

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

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