Sunday 5 January 2014

Lets Get Weird ...People

Hey guys,

If there was a weird Olympic games in my house, I promise you, I would at least be first runner up. When I don't feel like talking to anyone online I basically write something to the person, then I will just log off as fast as possible so they don' have a chance to reply.

But I like weird people, not creepy people- don't get those two mixed up. Please. But yeah, 'normal people' tend to think that everything is strange, but weird people like to have fun. For example, in my old school, my best friends and I once went to most expensive section of the best mall in town and crawled on all fours for about five minutes, pretending to be animals. It was a dare, but it was still hilarious.

Oh! And the dreaded day is finally upon us- well... Upon me. That's right. School starts tomorrow, so I'm not sure if my posts will be as frequent as they have been. Oh well. That means that there will be more interesting stories stuffed into each post.

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

“Don't be so humble - you are not that great.” 
― Golda Meir

Normal people scare me and stupid people annoy me. So it looks like I only get along with wild and crazy people!

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