Thursday 24 July 2014

Pet peeves: Update

Hey guys,

We've all got pet peeves...
Some have more than others, by 'some', I mean me. There are soo many things that annoy me about people in general. Even the little things, but I've really surprised myself because I've noticed that the list has shortened instead of grown. Actually, I'm not really all that surprised. I've decided to try and give humanity another shot to win me over by trying not to be as irritated by small things as before and so far, I'm doing quite well. Of course, there is always going to be that person who annoys you soo much. There's this girl called -I'm not even going to start on her, I've decided to give everyone a clean slate this academic year. Oh and this woman on the bus was soo annoying, she kept on popping her gum soo loud, for a second I could have sworn that she was beat boxing

  • sneezing in public
  • When people poke me repetitively
  • coughing in public
  • Pigeons
  • When people walk slowly and you're in a rush
  • Burping anywhere
  • Going into my room and moving my stuff
  • When I ask someone if they want some of my food and they so "no" then when I'm at the last bite they're like "actually..."
  • People who blow their nose in public
  • when people breathe on me without consent
  • Excess chewing noises
  • When the people Behind you kick your chair
  • Reading out loud what they're typing in an email or reading in a book.
  • Sitting next to me on public transportation when there are other seats available
  • Prolonging class by asking stupid questions. 
  • Saying "Ya, know what I'm sayin'?"... 
  • People who ride their bikes slowly on the street
  • Making a sucking noise with a straw when the cup is empty
  • Chewing with your mouth open
  • Girls who insist on sitting with their legs open not wearing shorts
  • When something I've been into for a long time becomes popular
  • People who clear their throats in a disgusting way 
  • People that pop and smack their chewing gum 
  • People who spit on the sidewalk
  • People who leave the door open when they go to the bathroom

  • Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

    "It's summer! I'm finally going to do some work! said no one ever" -Jessica Quaynor

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