Sunday 22 March 2015

You can't have Success without stress. Can you?

Hey guys,

Sending out invites; picking a venue; shopping 'til you literally drop- planning your 16th birthday isn't as glamorous as they make it out to be on TV. I'm sure most of you  have 'Been there, done that' and now- I'm glad to say- so have I.
       Yesterday- Saturday to me and those within this time zone- I, like most of my friends spent most of the day out and about London. Well, I wouldn't exactly say 'out and about' considering we stuck to the SouthBank-London Eye area.
       After weeks and weeks of planning, it seamed like all of my joint Birthday dinner plans -with one of my best friends Kayleigh- were deteriorating before my very eyes. First, the plans I had for my hair fell through, not to mention what a struggle it was to find a venue in the city with a beautiful view of the London skyline.
We originally wanted to surprise our guests by hosting our dinner at the Shard, but the building was fully booked -my guess is, some sort of private event- therefore we were unable to make a reservation. Our next hope was to find a place at the Gherkin. The photographs of the restaurant view (in one of the images below) was amazing, but that- just like the Shard- threw another obstacle at us. Like most other menus, there is a set and an open menu so it all depends on your party size.
Sushisamba, but we were informed that we had to have a chaperone accompanying us throughout the night as there was a bar near the table. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say No teenage girl wants a chaperone tagging along at her birthday when she is out with her friends. It's not an ideal situation. Besides, it's not like anything crazy was going to happen.
       Moving on, the actual night was amazing. I wouldn't have changed a single thing about it. Everyone showed up on time -which is a first for our group- and appeared to have a great night out.
    We started off at Skylon. The food there was unsurprisingly good, although I do admit that I was a little hesitant on trying the Hake, I ended up loving it. To summarise (I don't want to start boring you here) my favourite part of being at Skylon would definitely have to be the pranks we played on my friend Maya. Despite up being sixteen -and supposedly 'maturing young adults'- we have a tendency of acting like five year olds sometimes. In the shortest way to tell this possible, every time Maya looked away from her glass we dropped a carrot into it. This meant that in order to enjoy a clean glass of water, she had to request for a new one. If only you were there to see the look of judgement on the waiters' face every time she asked for a new glass. His face was priceless.

      Whilst planning the evening, we (Kayleigh and I) told our friends to bring an extra three pounds with them, but we refused to tell them what for. Later on into the evening -after dinner, around eight thirty give or take ten minutes or so- we finally put their curious minds to rest by informing them that we were all about I can only imagine how out of place we looked;all dressed up, some of us even wearing healed boots and being 5ft8, I struggled to fit into the car with my shoes on.

Image result for bumper cars southbank

After three adrenaline-filled rounds of bumper cars; a failed attempt at Dance Dance Revolution and a throwback to the early 2000s with a game of Tekken, I think it's safe to say we spent more time than planned in the arcade. Upon leaving -me being me- I bought myself a Cheeseburger from McDonalds because nothing screams 'Party!' louder than McDonalds. All jokes aside, I'd say the night was almost perfect. We spent the next five to ten minutes outside the London eye laughing and chatting before I thought it was time to kick things up a notch by whipping out the Party Poppers. I had enough for us to have just about three Poppers each, which although I still feel guilt for the mess we made, was unbelievably fun.
         I arrived at my house at approximately ten thirty if I recollect correctly. My mum had offered to pick me up from the bus stop as it was late, but I thought then was a better time than ever to 'grow a pair' metaphorically speaking of course.

P.s. I've been avidly watching Gossip Girl, I'm at the point where I had to stop myself from signing this post off with "xoxo GG".

Anyway, I've got another quote and picture for you all,

Sweet 16 is the moment of truth when girls mature from there childish youths

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